Monday, October 29, 2007

Child Support the Death of the american Family

I know this will spark some resistance and we are all free to disagree but these are the truths of the current times
1} Woman unwed sleeps with male doesn't really know him but knows it isn't true love, gets pregnant has child, male leaves town, when woman changes as he never truly loved her and used her as a hit just a piece, lets not lie here that's all it was and will ever be sometimes the male either finds his love and awakens his soul he feels bad and becomes a dad now, hasn't seen kid for a while child doesn't know him, is back on child support faces jail time has criminal record now and cant get good job, woman wonders why he isn't paying or is still behind, after all he isn't making 200k a year and this child support did come about originally against wealthy men in early 1900's, are you still with me? that was one scenario of hundreds but bottom line is this it is normally a fault of lack of true love as true love binds all no matter what rich poor desolate and every one has feelings but how do you truly know only one way unconditional love total absolute forgiveness. scene 2} you have kids together he or she cheats either way the courts are biased woman has kids hatred is still there and who does it affect the kids 3} little boy say to dad why didnt you get me a birthday present daddy well son i had to pay my child support or go to jail now this discussion should happen only once child is in teen years; but damage done already; there is nothing good about it, no matter what, here is my background i am a single dad who receives it and guess what their mom doesnt see them she is always behind and i think due to fear she wont answer their calls or mine thanks government for stepping in and hurting our families even more; now i am jumping around here alot; now what to watch out for to avoid damage to children by the child support system 1) C.S.workers who will plea to get your case started they actually get kickbacks and funding by the number of cases they have 2) Lawyers the scum of the Earth you can get XXXX we have all heard that and then the well the we need to put the childs interest first then heck i take it the atty is donating his time yea right 3) you hear about loser girl she is at walmart shopping doesnt work has 3-6 kids all different dads yelling screaming non disciplined children half the dads pay support other woman see this and envy the fact no job can watch tv free rent etc. then the kids are teens drop out legal troubles she turned to drugs or alchohol and wolla this whole family is screwed 4) the old friend of a friend who says they she gets it she gets along great with her ex he pays sees his kids every 2 weeks whatever do you really believe this crap?? truth one of the parties is either scorned or doesnt give a shit, again who pays when they are 19 years old the child bingo there are alot of studies out there on this and none lead to a positive ending so before you put your hatred into a dollar amount think about the kids first and guess what the damn legal system is not looking out for the best interest of your child you can bet on that look at the business built of it that alone should answer all your questions my feelings are this both parties see the kids both pay for the care of this child that doesnt mean putting a roof over one parties head or making their car payment imagine all that money used in child support managed half decent they would be able to go to a division1 college at age 18 please post your comments stories or other opinions they are all welcome thanks.

Horse racing and slots in ky

Its a simple truth much ignored by politicians due to ignorance bias and well lets not lie here but back door monies after all how do they afford so much on so little HMMMM!!!! In KY you can go across the river to Indiana and gamble so who loses KY, how much? according to some stats its in the hundreds of millions and the pity is; if it was hundreds of thousands it would be too much. Lets grow up, you cant stop Gambling it is a drug, it is bad, but it is a lifestyle choice no different than drinking, smoking, or having an abortion now is it. bottom line truth hurts and this is hurting the little guy more than ever it hurts horse racing the persons employed within, be it the owner, trainer groom or hot walker eventually if this is ignored KY will lose one of its top money agriculture's and with such history surrounding this how can this be, its a shame when Turfway park can only pay purse money equivalent to cheap tracks in Ohio or Indiana oh wait Indy pays more now so that sucks for KY and the greater Cincy area as a whole. So lets vote to put casinos in the tracks for the welfare of KY and its citizens not Indianas'